PRP (all face)

Reservation fees
THB 5,000

Service fees
THB 15,000

General Information

  • Consultancy
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Hospital Stay (night)
  • LOS in Thailand
  • Type
    Non Surgery
  • Type of Anesthesia
  • Pain Index
Follow Up Process
Scar Condition
After treatment, there may be bruising and there is a slight swelling point which will disappear in 1-2 days. The results of treatment in each person may vary. Depending on the skin condition Age and post-operative care of patients.


  • "PRP" or "PRP Therapy" is a new science in beauty medicine to help in cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles that makes to look younger. It's suitable for those who want to restore and repair the skin condition by bringing the patient's blood to spin separately (Centrifugation), which uses the same principles as medical techniques.
  • Normally, our blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and fluids. When we bring the platelets to spin at a suitable temperature and cycle. Our blood will be separated into layers. According to concentration and the layer that is the most concentrated platelet is PRP or Platelet Rich. Plasma in this layer, there is a substance called Growth Factor, a substance that stimulates the growth of Fibroblast cells, which are cells that create collagen for the skin to look younger.
  • And after extracting the concentrated platelets, then mixed with natural substances such as Hyaluronic Acid or HA and then injected back into the desired spot. Causing the process of restoring collagen from within and create new collagen, making wrinkles and trenches filled from within which is a skin rejuvenation with natural mechanisms.

1. People with congenital diseases or taking regular medications, should be consult a doctor first.
2. People who have a history of drug allergy or food allergies, especially seafood and protein, should notify the doctor first.


1. Can cold compress or can take painkillers but must be NSAIDs.
2. Avoid applying moisturizer containing AHA or other whitening ingredients.
3. Avoid washing your face within the first 4-5 hours of treatment.
4. Avoid facial massage, scrub the face or be heated, steam, sauna or sunlight.
5. Avoid drinking alcohol and exercising hard.
6. Apply moisturizer or moisturizer as usual.

General Information

  • Consultancy
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Hospital Stay (night)
  • LOS in Thailand
  • Type
    Non Surgery
  • Type of Anesthesia
  • Pain Index
Follow Up Process
Scar Condition
After treatment, there may be bruising and there is a slight swelling point which will disappear in 1-2 days. The results of treatment in each person may vary. Depending on the skin condition Age and post-operative care of patients.


  • "PRP" or "PRP Therapy" is a new science in beauty medicine to help in cell regeneration, reduce wrinkles that makes to look younger. It's suitable for those who want to restore and repair the skin condition by bringing the patient's blood to spin separately (Centrifugation), which uses the same principles as medical techniques.
  • Normally, our blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and fluids. When we bring the platelets to spin at a suitable temperature and cycle. Our blood will be separated into layers. According to concentration and the layer that is the most concentrated platelet is PRP or Platelet Rich. Plasma in this layer, there is a substance called Growth Factor, a substance that stimulates the growth of Fibroblast cells, which are cells that create collagen for the skin to look younger.
  • And after extracting the concentrated platelets, then mixed with natural substances such as Hyaluronic Acid or HA and then injected back into the desired spot. Causing the process of restoring collagen from within and create new collagen, making wrinkles and trenches filled from within which is a skin rejuvenation with natural mechanisms.

1. People with congenital diseases or taking regular medications, should be consult a doctor first.
2. People who have a history of drug allergy or food allergies, especially seafood and protein, should notify the doctor first.


1. Can cold compress or can take painkillers but must be NSAIDs.
2. Avoid applying moisturizer containing AHA or other whitening ingredients.
3. Avoid washing your face within the first 4-5 hours of treatment.
4. Avoid facial massage, scrub the face or be heated, steam, sauna or sunlight.
5. Avoid drinking alcohol and exercising hard.
6. Apply moisturizer or moisturizer as usual.

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