Chin Implant - Soft Implants

General Information

  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Hospital Stay (night)
  • LOS in Thailand
  • Type
    New Surgery
  • Type of Anesthesia
    Local anesthesia.
  • Pain Index
  • Recovery Time
    1 - 2 Week(s)
Follow Up Process
Return for follow up within a week.
Scar Condition
You could either have an inconspicuous scar under the chin, or no visible scars at all, depending on whether an extra-oral or intra-oral surgical technique is employed.
  • There will be a temporary limitation in movement of the mouth and lips. Your doctor will order dietary restrictions until your incisions heal. Discomfort may be more severe and prolonged with chin advancement than chin augmentation.
Price Include
  • Price included anesthesia. There is not any consultancy fee unless the patients who had been done the filler before.
  • Consultancy fee will start from 1,000 THB, depending on each case.
  • There will be registration fee at 20 THB for new patient.
  • There will be hospital service fee at 150 THB for every patients.


  • A recessed chin can be made more prominent to create harmony with the rest of the facial features.
  • The most common method is chin augmentation by which a medical grade silicone is tailored to suit one’s face. This individually-fit implant is then placed securely on top of the chin bone. The entire procedure is performed using local anesthesia and is usually over within an hour.
  • To avoid complications and reduce risk factors you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines (other than those that your doctor allows you continue), at least two weeks before your schedule.
  • People with diseases need surgical clearance from their medical specialist.
  • Pain and swelling will gradually diminish over 1-2 weeks for chin implant

General Information

  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Hospital Stay (night)
  • LOS in Thailand
  • Type
    New Surgery
  • Type of Anesthesia
    Local anesthesia.
  • Pain Index
Follow Up Process
Return for follow up within a week.
Scar Condition
You could either have an inconspicuous scar under the chin, or no visible scars at all, depending on whether an extra-oral or intra-oral surgical technique is employed.
  • There will be a temporary limitation in movement of the mouth and lips. Your doctor will order dietary restrictions until your incisions heal. Discomfort may be more severe and prolonged with chin advancement than chin augmentation.
Price Include
  • Price included anesthesia. There is not any consultancy fee unless the patients who had been done the filler before.
  • Consultancy fee will start from 1,000 THB, depending on each case.
  • There will be registration fee at 20 THB for new patient.
  • There will be hospital service fee at 150 THB for every patients.


  • A recessed chin can be made more prominent to create harmony with the rest of the facial features.
  • The most common method is chin augmentation by which a medical grade silicone is tailored to suit one’s face. This individually-fit implant is then placed securely on top of the chin bone. The entire procedure is performed using local anesthesia and is usually over within an hour.
  • To avoid complications and reduce risk factors you need to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines (other than those that your doctor allows you continue), at least two weeks before your schedule.
  • People with diseases need surgical clearance from their medical specialist.
  • Pain and swelling will gradually diminish over 1-2 weeks for chin implant

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