IV Therapy

IV Drips or the Intravenous Therapy Drips is to provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidant nutrients through the blood vessels directly which allow the body to absorb various nutrients immediately.

How does IV Drips apply?

IV Drips is to deliver nutrients through blood vessels and it is taken approximately 30-45 minutes at a time.

Why does IV Drips better than oral supplementals?

The difference between IV Drips and oral supplementals is the rate of absorption.  For sample, if we drink the energy drinks or taking vitamin pills, only 50% will be absorbed into the blood vessels, the rest will be disappeared in the digestive system.   IV therapy is a powerful way to receive 100% nutrients for the body.

Who is IV Drips suitable for?

Mothers who busy taking care of their children

Working-age or anyone who does not have enough rest or people who want to nourish your body for good health.

Benefits of IV Drips

Apart from enhancing vitality and enhancing immunity, IV Drips also help to slow down aging and resists free radicals and brightens skin.

By: Rubikhealth Published At : 4 years ago